This collection of free teacher appreciation printables is just what you need to show your appreciation to the teachers in your life this year!

Ready to show your appreciation to teachers this year?
Whether it’s your child’s teacher, a colleague, or a teacher of old you still remember fondly, you can acknowledge the positive impact they had on your life. These free teacher appreciation printables make doing so super easy!
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Teacher appreciation printables
These free teacher appreciation printables make it so easy for you to create a fun, meaningful and / or useful teacher gift this year!
This little gem of a teacher appreciation gift is another idea that is free and priceless - and especially apt if you have younger kids!
Interview your kids and see what they think the facts are about their teachers. Kids believe the funniest things!
Another much appreciated gift is the gift of a night out without cooking.
Attach this free teacher appreciation printable to a gift card for your local Applebees.
Paint an apple jar and fill it with goodies then print and attach an apple-themed gift tag so your teacher knows who this "sweet" gift is from!
This free printable is a simple gift box template inspired by a chalkboard and perfect for filling with treats.
These printable, foldable and color in-able gift boxes for teachers come in two different sized and let your kid color them as they want and fill them with treats for their teacher.
If you’re looking for a cute (and creative) teacher thank you printable, you’re going to love these four “Thanks a Latte” printables.
They are perfect for all the coffee lovers out there (and let's get real - what teacher isn't?).
Give the gift of Amazon: This Amazon teacher gift card printable is a cute way to say thank you with a meaningful gift that your child’s teacher can truly use.
Thank you or your child’s teacher with this candle teacher gift this year.
These printable labels allow you to use any candle and easily adhere the new label with your message of choice.
Free printable teacher gift tag: Thanks for having my back...pack with supplies!
Grab this free printable teacher gift tag for a special teacher who’s always had your or your kiddo’s back this school year!
Simply hang it from a mini backpack pencil case stuffed full of supplies, and let your favorite teacher know you appreciate them!
This printable teacher thank you is perfect for Teacher Appreciation Week or as a teacher gift for the end of the school year and is a simple way for even young kids to show their appreciation for their teacher.
These FREE teacher appreciation thank you printables are perfect for a special teacher in your life!
There are two versions available: one is great for Teacher Appreciation Week, while the other is ideal for gifting at the end of the school year.
Use them to attach a gift card or write a thoughtful note.
This I love my teacher because printable makes it super simple to help your child express their love for their teacher.
This free teacher appreciation printable is a take on the classic book, “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie…”.
And you know how that sentence ends… they’re gonna want a glass of milk!
This exclusive free printable teacher card features a whimsical hand drawn owl along with a cute pun. Plus there’s an easy way for elementary school children to personalize the message inside.
These super easy printable teacher appreciation cards are designed to add gift cards for either coffee or a meal to them - both things teachers will deeply appreciate!
There are two sets of printables here.
The first printable can be paired with any kind of flowers. Think single rose or flower, potted plant, faux stems, or a vase with flowers.
This second printable is perfect for a teacher who is in need of a little something special! Pair this with a box of tea, different tea bags in a bag, or with a handmade mug.
Each one of these cute tags says “Teacher, Thank you for helping me BLOOM this school year!”
The download includes 4 tags for the flowers so you can give them to multiple teachers. This is great if you happen to be in charge of teacher appreciation week and need Teacher Appreciation Week gift ideas for many teachers.
This printable gift card holder takes it up a notch with a place for kids to add their favorite things about their teacher and memories in the classroom to.
It's a fun and creative way to say thank you to those teachers who work so hard.
This ‘We hope it is a-Pear-ent you are appreciated!’ cute rprintable could be used for teacher appreciation week, beginning of the year or end of the year gifts - print off a bunch and attach them to a large box of pears and drop them off in the teacher's lounge so all the teachers can enjoy!
Teachers work so hard during the school year, and many buy school supplies for their classrooms.
Why not have your child bring their teacher a few school supplies? It could be as simple as a container of pencils with a cute gift tag like this.
These super cute teacher appreciation gift tags are just the thing for attaching to your gift.
The "thank you for helping me grow" printables are especially punny when attached to a small potted plant or seeds.
Most teachers love the teachers pay teachers site. Purchase a gift certificate from them and then choose from the six different versions available with this free printable for you to mount your gift certificate on.
If you're struggling to find the time to put together a gift then why not try this gift of a trip to the movie theater?
Tie this free printable around some microwave popcorn ans gift certificates to your local movie theater.
This printable comes with a super easy gift idea - using lightbulb jars and candy for a special treat!
You can make a teacher’s day by showing them you appreciate and respect the work they do.
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This collection of super cute teacher appreciation printables will see you covered not only for Teacher Appreciation Week but also for the beginning of the school year, end of the year – or just because!
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